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Accessibility Statement

All For One & One For All

At Super Kawaii Labs, we are committed to ensuring accessibility for all individuals, including those with disabilities. We strive to make our website a welcoming and inclusive platform where everyone can enjoy a seamless browsing and shopping experience. We believe in the importance of diversity, and we are dedicated to providing equal access to our products and services to individuals of all abilities.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Compliance:

We have taken steps to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA level, which outline best practices for making web content more accessible. Our team works diligently to implement accessibility features and continually improve our website's usability.

Accessibility Features Implemented:

  1. Screen Reader Compatibility: We have optimized our website to work smoothly with screen reader software, enabling individuals with visual impairments to access and navigate our site effectively.
  2. Keyboard Navigation: Our website can be easily accessed and navigated using keyboard-only commands, ensuring that individuals who rely on keyboard navigation can browse through our pages effortlessly.
  3. Alternative Text: We provide descriptive alternative text for all non-text elements, such as images and graphics, enabling screen readers to convey this information accurately to visually impaired users.
  4. Clear and Consistent Layout: We strive to maintain a clean and consistent layout across our website, making it easier for users of assistive technologies to understand and navigate our content.
  5. Adjustable Text Sizes: Our website allows users to adjust the text size according to their preferences, ensuring readability for individuals with visual impairments or those who require larger text sizes.

Ongoing Efforts:

We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our website to ensure that we meet or exceed accessibility standards. Our team actively seeks feedback from users, including those with disabilities, to identify areas for improvement. We embrace the opportunity to enhance accessibility and make our website more user-friendly for all.

Third-Party Content:

While we strive to maintain accessibility throughout our website, it is important to note that we may occasionally feature third-party content or links. We cannot guarantee the accessibility of these external elements, as they are beyond our control. However, we encourage users to report any accessibility concerns related to such content so that we can address them to the best of our ability.

Contact Us:

Your feedback is vital to our continuous improvement efforts. If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions on how we can enhance accessibility on our website, please contact us. We are committed to making Super Kawaii Labs an inclusive online space for everyone.

Thank you for your support and for being a part of the Super Kawaii Labs community.

Last updated: 06/26/2023